Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Hilarious Heroic Dog

Chicken Soup for the Soul

The magic of dogs! They keep company, provide unconditional love, share in the ups and downs of our lives and make every day an adventure.

How do dogs do it? They brighten our days, act as our therapists, and become our best friends—without saying one word. They just plain get us, too, in a surprisingly human way. And during the COVID-19 pandemic they rose to the occasion and transformed our stay-at-home experiences.

You’ll find yourself laughing a lot, tearing up at times, and nodding your head in recognition as you read these tales about the magical experience of sharing life with a dog. From hilarious to heroic, mischievous to miraculous, and everything in between, you’ll enjoy a wide variety of entertaining stories in these ten chapters:

• Clever Canines
• Learning to Love the Dog
• Our Protectors
• Life Lessons from the Dog
• My Very Good, Very Bad Dog
• Changed by the Dog
• Four-Legged Friends
• And Dog Makes Family
• Grieving & Recovery
• On the Road